Genre Adventure
The story will be set in the city of Minamisouma in Fukushima prefecture, and will center around a down-and-out protagonist who gets to know a robot while working rescue efforts. It will depict the friendship and growth of a group of children alongside the robot. Local traditional crafts such as Ouborisoumayaki pottery will appear in the story. Fukushima Gainax is producing the anime to promote Fukushima's "Innovation Coast" initiative that aims to revive industry and tourism in the region after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
TV Series
Uta—the most beloved singer in the world. Renowned for concealing her own identity when performing, her voice has come to be described as "otherworldly." Now, for the first time ever, Uta will herself to the world at a live concert. As the venue fills with all kinds of Uta fans—excited pirates, the Navy watching closely, and the Straw Hats led by Luffy who simply came to enjoy her sonorous performance—the voice that the whole world has been waiting for is about to resound. The story begins with the shocking fact that she is Shanks' daughter.
A girl named Kim chases a group of thieves called the Black Hammer Gang. Until one day the Black Hammer gang and Kim fall on an island inhabited by fairies and it's guardian Michel. The Black Hammer Gang tries to steal the life source of the island called the tree of life. Causing damage to the land and kidnapping the fairies, Michel and Kim have to combat the Black Hammer gang and take back the fairies.
TV Series
This is a special "back-side" (ura) episode aired on GyaO simultaneously with original broadcast which features the background story from party's side instead of Jil's.