Genre Romance
Sakai Yuuji, a high school student who expected his normal life to last forever, is dead. When he was on his way home he witnessed a shocking view as the world suddenly froze: people were engulfed by blue flames and a monster resembling a large doll swallowed them. Just as the monster prepared to consume Yuuji, a sword-wielding girl in black attire with flaming red eyes and hair that burns like embers saved him from the monster. The girl called herself a “Flame Haze” who hunts the “Guze no Tomogara”, creatures from another world. As Yuuji noticed a blue flame in his chest, she called him a “Torch”, a temporary replacement, saying that the “real” Yuuji’s existence had already ended. Unfazed, Yuuji befriended the strange girl, named her “Shana”, and joined her fight against Tomogara and other Flame Hazes.
Anime original episode bundled with the limited edition of the Yahari Game demo Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. PlayStation Vita game set to be released this summer.
Second season of Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru.
Spring 2015 Anime
Hiiro no Kakera is a Japanese visual novel created by Idea Factory directed at the female market known as an otome game. The protagonist is a teenage girl (Tamaki) who revisits a small village, she remembers from her childhood and gets caught up in her family’s history and supernatural dangers surrounding it. While walking along the hillsides waiting for the person who her grandmother sent to fetch Tamaki to the village, Tamaki comes across a small, white round object with sticks for limbs and talks. Its runs off soon after, with Tamaki chasing after it. Soon Tamaki finds herself in a place where ‘it doesn’t feel like the world I came from’. She gets attacked by three slime creatures, and a male comes charging in to save her – by clamping his hands around her body and mouth and telling her to be quiet.
TV Series