Subbed Anime
Children of Ether follows Rhonda, a woman with a dark past and a mysterious power, as she is pursued by an unknown assailant after the death of her father. Aided only by her wits and a pair of orphans, Rhonda journeys through a decaying, dystopian metropolis populated by raiders, gangs, and the supernatural. As she struggles to survive in this harsh urban tangle, she meets both friends and enemies, and searches for answers about this power, "The Ether", awakening within her.
Summer 2017 Anime
Waking up in a strange virtual world with no recollection of the past, Hakuno finds himself forced to fight for survival in a war he does not understand for a prize beyond value; the opportunity to have one's wish granted. With only an enigmatic "Servant" by his side, Hakuno Kishinami will have to face both friends and foes in battles to the death in order to not only gain possession of a mysterious object known as the "Holy Grail," but also to find the answer to the most important question of all: "Who am I?"
Winter 2018 Anime
A promotional ova that came with the PS2 game, Growlanser IV Returns which is an add-on featuring a compilation of three short stories that is told in visual novel style. Since it is a promotional ova, various main characters from Growlanser I, Growlanser II, and Growlanser III do appear in the ED. Actually, some of the fairies of these main characters do appear in Growlanser IV as that the entire Growlanser story is based on anti-war featuring time freeze, time traveling, and parallel worlds.