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Magician’s Academy revolves around Takuto Hasegawa, who attends a magic academy that is not marked on any map. During a summoning spell exam, he accidentally creates a girl named Tanarot, who happends to hold enough magical power to destroy his country, but fortunately Tanarot professes undying loyalty to her “creator.”
TV Series
Plot Summary:Teacher Sorata Muon carries on his family’s centuries-old old tradition of being the master thief Mouse who can steal anything after properly alerting authorities of his intentions so they can be there yet fail to stop him. He is assistedby 3 nubile female assistants who also use the teaching cover and who, in typical Satoru Akahori, favor tight/skimpy/bondage outfits over their ample curves as they constantly pursue Sorata much more than he pursues them, although the girls do get some attention from their master. Not only is Mouse pursued by the girls & the local law enforcement authorities, there is also a secret art protection society employing the services of a former ally of Sorata’s after his pretty little hide, all in 15 minute episodes
TV Series
Original animation to be included in the BD and DVD volume releases of Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai. Volume 1: "Soshite Futari wa Manabisha e (Then The Two Goes to Learning Dorm)" Volume 2: "Irori, Rotenburo de Sosou suru (Irori being Careless at Open Air Hot Spring)" Volume 3: "Char and Frey, Senritsu no Bathroom (Charlotte and Frey, Fearsome Bathroom)" Volume 4: "Akabane Nadeshiko, Natsu no Yo no Yume (Nadeshiko Akabane's Midnight Dream)" Volume 5: "Kojin Jugyou: Imishitsu de Bijo Futari to~ (Private Lesson: Alone In the Nurse Room with the Pretty Lady)" Volume 6: "Bishoujo Shuugou! Mizugi Darake no Daisoudou (Pretty Girls Gathered! The Great Tumult of Full of Swimming Suits)"
TV Series
Four Netherworld Princesses have come to the human world; witch Uma, vampiress Pachira, werewolf Liru, and android Aiko. But they know nothing about human life and their mistakes make up their daily adventures. Meanwhile, the evil Dr. K-ko wants proof of the supernatural to gain admittance into the scientific elite and what better than one, or all, of the princesses — if her plans didn’t have a tendency to go awry.
TV Series