Genre Adult Cast
Tetsuo Tosu, an ordinary salaryman, discovers his daughter, Reika, has been physically abused by her boyfriend, Matori Nobuto. Trying to learn more about him, Tetsuo uncovers Matori's scheme to extort money from Reika's wealthy grandparents, and finds out that he is a member of a crime syndicate, with a history of murdering his former girlfriends. Filled with rage and fear at the thought of Reika being in danger, Tetsuo ends up killing Nobuto, and with the help of his wife, Kasen, successfully disposes of the body. Now, as the members of the syndicate begin to question Nobuto's sudden disappearance, Tetsuo and Kasen must work together to ensure the safety of their daughter and prevent her from getting involved in the predicament any further.
Spring 2023 Anime
After a fatal encounter with a truck, Takafumi Takaoka's uncle, Yousuke "Ojisan" Shibazaki, lies comatose for 17 years. When he finally regains consciousness, Ojisan begins to ramble in a foreign tongue and reveals that he had been transported to a magical world called Gran Bahamal. Takafumi dismisses his uncle's claims as nonsense until an incantation makes a cup of water hover in the air. In a flash of brilliance, the pair creates a YouTube channel to showcase Ojisan's magical abilities. The responsibility now falls on Takafumi's shoulders to acquaint Ojisan with everything that has transpired during his absence, including getting him up to speed with the internet, new technology, and surprisingly, the outcome of the '90s console war—the result of which was especially distressing for a hardcore SEGA fan. With Ojisan's wisdom from his other world experiences, they grow their YouTube channel and tackle online comments and trolls. The journey of this uncle-nephew duo promises to be anything but conventional.
Summer 2022 Anime
The episode focuses on Lupin's gang descending upon the Kingdom of Dorrente in order to rescue a famous thief who has been detained. While this takes place, the most notorious thieves from around the world gather in the kingdom.