Genre Comedy
Spike Spiegel, a bounty Hunter with a dark past, lives on bounty to bounty, barely making it each time, or not making it at all. His partners Jet Black, Faye Valentine, Ed and Ein the dog all help him in his adventures from planet to planet.
TV Series
It is already summer and the Catians decide to study the games on Earth. To make things more interesting, Manami suggests that each participant should wage a precious item and whenever a person wins a round they may choose one of these items as a reward. While Aoi and Manami covet a special item waged by Kio, their priorities change when they are risking to let a DVD with embarrassing scenes of both go in the wrong hands.
TV Series
The story of Higepiyo (literally “Mustache-Peep”) revolves around Hiyoko, a “surreal” bird that happens to have a mustache. Hiyoko can talk with “Piroshi” — Hiroshi, the human boy who bought her at a night fair — and the two are tight friends. In fact, Hiyoko teaches Hiroshi how to win brawls in elementary school, and she sometimes fights a bullying girl on Hiroshi’s behalf. (Hiyoko is actually an experimental test subject that escaped from a laboratory.)
TV Series
17 year old Konoe Subaru is the butler of classmate Suzutsuki Kanade. One day, classmate Sakamoto Kinjirou discovers that Konoe is actually a girl.
TV Series