Genre Comedy
A series of short stories depicting the complicated love lives of eight middle school and high school girls, their classmates and relatives. These stories later intertwine to form a main story involving most of the cast.
TV Series
In a world of only males, they have created female looking marionettes (androids). A handful of them have been given special ‘hearts’ called maiden circuits that give them emotion and human personality. Three of these are found by Otaru, and they soon are caught up in a war against Lord Faust and his 3 ‘human’ marionettes.
TV Series
Koiso Kenji, a eleventh-grade math genius who works in the summer as a part-time computer technician for the Virtual World of Oz, is invited by Shinohara Natsuki, the most popular girl at his high school to her expansive family's home for a summer job. In the middle of their trip, a hacker infiltrates the network and takes control of Oz, plunging humanity into absolute chaos.
Shinobu is a naive ninja-in-training. In order to test her ninja abilites, she must steal the panties of all the high school girls. The first house she stops at is the abode of one Kaede Shiranui, who happens to catch Shinobu in the act. Kaeda is the voice of reason and the two girls become quick friends, despite a round yellow ball-thing who claims to be a ninja master and tries to get in the way of their friendship. Genre: Comedy
TV Series