Genre Harem
Following the intraschool competition at Seiso Academy, budding music student Kahoko meets brusque boy Eto, the new school board director Akihiko Kira, and the mysterious transfer student Aoi Kaji.
TV Series
Takumi Kaizu is a boy that doesn’t have any particular interest in girls. During a school trip, his friend Osamu asks him whether or not he has a girl that he likes. From that point on, Takumi slowly becomes interested in the opposite sex, through the girls that he is accquainted with in his daily life. As the last summer of his high school life begins, Takumi begins to search for the one girl that he can call his girlfriend, while watching Osamu’s desperate and relentless search for a girlfriend as well.
Bundled with the 11th volume of Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara light novel.
TV Series
Soon after transferring to Seisou Gakuin, Kanade finds the orchestra club in the middle of preparing for the National concur. Teaming up with the other members, she will improve her skills, meet new rivals and create memories for what will become an unforgettable summer...
Spring 2014 Anime