Genre Historical
Animated adaptations of traditional and historical Japanese stories. Each episode features 2 different stories.
TV Series
In the "one-of-a-kind samurai-general-reincarnated-as-a-canine comedy," Nobunaga perishes at Honnouji as in history, and reincarnates in modern-day Japan as a dog named Shinamon. Other Warring States era warlords such as Takeda Shingen eventually join him, also as dogs.
Winter 2020 Anime
Spin-off episodes of the franchise Qin Shi Ming Yue focusing on Baifeng.
The Toyama Kankou Anime Project is a visualization of the three most popular tourist spots of the Toyama prefecture: Tateyama Kurobu Alpine Route; firefly squid from the mysterious ocean of the Toyama Bay; Gokayama known for its architectural world heritage Gasshouzukuri. The animation is done by PA Works, which is located in Toyama-ken Nanto-shi, and the flash is done by The BERICH, which is a unit that resides in Toyama-ken Uozu-shi. Along with a high-definition commentary video of these attractions, this project aims to broadcast the stunning nature of the Toyama prefecture to the world.