Genre Historical
This ambitious series will focus on Miyamoto Musashi, who is modeled after Toshiro Mifune, the Japanese film icon known around the globe. This is the beginning of an intense series full of realistic action in which Musashi's blade slices through evil as he traverses a land plagued by poverty.
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The hilarious adventures of the eldest apprentice of a sect who has a problem with his brain. Dongfang Xianyun is reincarnated as the eldest disciple of the Care-free sect. But the only thing that goes through his mind is to make sure he doesn't end up dying by the hands of the "main character". Read as he makes no sense to his sibling disciples while avoiding flags left and right.
Young Chen Xiaofan entered an alternate world after he accidentally swallowed a Chaos Orb, and became Young Master Chen, the prettiest man in Muyun City. Although he was adored by all the ladies in Muyun City, he was useless as he was not able to cultivate. With his mind set on going back to his original world, he gave up his stable lifestyle as a young master and went against his family’s wishes, determined to walk the path of a cultivator.