Genre Martial Arts
n the year 1882, Sanshirou comes to Tokyo seeking for a worthy martial arts teacher. There, he meets Yano - a judo master who single-handedly defeats 39 jujitsu practitioners. Extremely impressed by his skill, Sanshirou decides to become his disciple. Later, Sanshirou falls for Sayo Murai - a girl whose father is a martial arts instructor at the local police department; and he also has to face Higaki Gennosuke, a skilled jujitsu fighter and his greatest rival. Based on a novel by Tsuneo Tomita, which was adapted into a 1943 movie by young Akira Kurosawa.
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It is just before WWII, Kasumi Kenshiro hides as a quiet, absent-minded professor teaching literature at a small women's college in Tokyo. Once the 62nd Grand Master of Hokuto Shinken, "God Fist of the North Star," and known has Yan Wang, or "the King of Death," who preserved the peace in the "City of Devils." A fighter of thugs and drug dealers, Kasumi seeks anonymity and a quiet life until the death of his lover, and former brothers, forces him to return to Shanghai to fulfill his destiny and avenge the deaths of his associates.
Spring 2018 Anime