Genre Martial Arts
In the night of Tokyo, mysterious deaths involving the ‘Reborn Dead’ occur. Mysterious transfer student, Tatsuma Hiyuu, and delinquent student, Kyouichi Houraiji, fight these undead every night. They, along with the rest of their group, soon realize that a greater threat, that involves even more powerful demons, is near.
TV Series
This is the sequel of Tokyo Majin, only this time in the beginning the brave fighters have to fight against a dark assassination organisation made for killing. The organisation is known as the ‘Dancing Swords’ they gather up people with good fighting skills and awaken power just like Hiyuu’s and everyones in order to assassinate others only making those who live above the law doing evil as their targets. Hiyuu, Aoi, Kyoichi, Sakurai and Daigo are attacked by these fighters from the organisation and have to fight against them…
TV Series
This Fist of the North Star series focuses on the formation of an empire, specifically a hegemony, by an inheritor of the fist of the north star, Raoh. Accompanied by his two loyal comrades Souga and Reina, as well as a mysterious woman named Sakuya, Raoh will begin this journey of conquest while at the same time trying to prove his own way of thinking.
TV Series
The title “Corpse Princess” belongs to Makina Hoshimura, an undead girl who seeks to hunt down 108 corpses in order to go to heaven.Genres: action, supernatural Themes: girls with guns, Priests and Priestesses, Troublesome Kids
TV Series