Genre Military
Based on a sci-fi novel series, Crest of the Stars (Seikai no Monsho) is the first installment in this sci-fi saga. The story follows Jinto, a young prince, whose world was taken over by the largest Empire in the Galaxy: The Abh. Jinto’s father handed their world over to the Abh in exchange for a standing in the Abh Empire. As a result, Jinto becam… more Based on a sci-fi novel series, Crest of the Stars (Seikai no Monsho) is the first installment in this sci-fi saga. The story follows Jinto, a young prince, whose world was taken over by the largest Empire in the Galaxy: The Abh. Jinto’s father handed their world over to the Abh in exchange for a standing in the Abh Empire. As a result, Jinto became a prince and was shipped off for an Abh Education. Later he meets a princess of the Abh Empire, Lafiel, whom he quickly befriends despite her cold exterior. The Abh empire is plunged into war and the story continues from there
TV Series
In the dead of night, at a camping site where they hide, the Band of the Hawk is attacked by Bakiraka assassins led by Silat. When all seems lost, Guts returns from his journey. "You destroyed everything." Crying that Griffith is nothing without Guts, Casca and Guts are joined together body and soul. Griffith is imprisoned in the oldest building in Wyndham Catle, the Tower of Rebirth. They discover that Griffith has been tortured, with the tendons of his legs and arms severed and his tongue removed. Seeing Guts and Casca pitying him, Griffith drags his body along the ground. At that moment, the Egg of the King Behelit that he had thought lost returns to his hand. The Behelit resonated with Griffith's despair and screams, causing a shockwave that creates a twisted dimension. The God Hand descends. A nightmare of magnificent violence erupts as a horde of apostles devour the Band of the Hawk. This is the birth of the fifth guardian and the beginning of an age where darkness overcomes all light.
TV adaptation of the online browser card battle game.
Winter 2015 Anime
Stella Jogakuin narrates the adventures of Yamato Yura, which was just entering the Institute Stella Academy for girls and Kashima Sonora invites to join a club called C3. Sonora is a third year student and the President of the Club's games called C3 based on the games of survival with Airsoft guns and BB guns. The other members of the Club include two daughters of second years called Hatsuse Karila and Mutsu Honoka, and two other freshmen (Kirishima Rento, with families having a candy store and a very small girl Hinata Yachiyo) as Yura. Thus, we follow the lives of these students the day and amateurs of war games during their free time. What Yura ignores is that they are passionate about all compressed air weapons and survival games. The new recruit will then understand the meaning of the name of this club: Command, Control, Communication. Yura wonders if she will be able to integrate the group while remaining itself?
TV Series