Genre Psychological
From Ootomo Katsuhiro, acclaimed creator of Akira, comes an animated masterpiece; three short stories all put together as a series of Memories. Part one is titled Magnetic Rose, a science fiction tale that tells a chilling story of love, loss, and the unwillingness to forget. Part two is titled Stink Bomb - a tongue-in-cheek story of a chemical researcher who is just looking for a way to get rid of his cold... so why is everybody around him dying? Story three is titled Cannon fodder, and is an introspective tale about modern wars and simply following orders. Music conducted by Yoko Kanno, Jun Miyake, Hiroyuki Nagashima, and Takkyu Ishino.
After moving into the quiet town of Hinamizawa, Maebara Keiichi spends his days blissfully in school often playing games with his local friends. However, appearances can be deceiving. One fateful day, Keiichi stumbles upon news of a murder that had occurred in Hinamizawa. From this point on, horrific events unfold in front of Keiichi, as he soon learns his close friends may not be all that they seem. Based on the amateur mystery game by 7th Expansion, the story is told in a series of different scenarios.
Eiri, a talented art student, works part-time in an antique shop in a quiet part of town. Lately he’s been having visions of a beautiful, young girl. He doesn’t know why he keeps seeing her but he feels compelled to draw her constantly. One day the visions take a turn for the worse when he finds his hands covered in blood, the blood of the little girl Cossette.
There is a street where no one lives, where ghostly lights flicker in the shadows. It is whispered that children who play hide-and-seek there after dark are kidnapped by demons... and disappear forever. Tonight, a boy named Hikora joins the game in search of his missing sister. Eight children gather. The street lamps flare though no one is there to light them. The game... and the terror... are about to begin!