Genre Romance
At the young age of 11, Kotoko Iwanaga was abducted by youkai for two weeks and asked to become their "God of Wisdom," a mediator between the spirit and human worlds, to which the girl quickly agreed but at the cost of her right eye and left leg. Now, six years later, whenever youkai wish for their problems to be solved, they make their way to Kotoko for consultation. Meanwhile, Kurou Sakuragawa, a 22-year-old university student, has just broken up with his girlfriend after he fled alone when the two encountered a kappa. Seeing this as her chance to become closer with him, Kotoko immediately makes her move, hoping to get married to Kurou one day. However, she quickly realizes there is something more to Kurou. With this knowledge, she asks for his help in solving the various issues presented by the supernatural, all the while wishing her newfound partner will eventually reciprocate her feelings.
Winter 2020 Anime
Xuan Ming family is eager to move, kidnapping Ye Xueyun wants to take the opportunity to show off with the Qing Yu family. But was discovered by Ye Xingyun in the secrets of Ning Cheng. Finally, Ye Xingyun personally went to the Xuan Ming dungeon, not only rescued Ye Xueyun but also found it by chance. The gods lost for many years – the feather of the blackbird.
I, Teruaki Nakamura, transferred to Okinawa and fell in love with a girl… but I can't understand her dialect. Thankfully, Higa-san is always helping me out with translations. A cross-cultural romance that's a wee-bit different begins on the southern island!
TV Series