Genre Sci-Fi
Plot Summary: Tobias, Mary, and Sakuya challenge the impregnable “The One Sin”, but they lose their way in the maze and unintentionally trap other guild members. A mysterious cat is watching their blunde
TV Series
Taking place one year before the Zentraedi arrive on Earth, Macross Zero chronicles the final days of the war between the U.N. Spacy and anti-U.N. factions. After being shot down by the anti-U.N.’s newest fighter plane, ace pilot Shin Kudo finds himself on the remote island of Mayan, where technology is almost non-existent. While Shin stays on the island to heal his wounds, the tranqulity of the island is shattered by a battle that involves the UN’s newest fighter – the VF-0.
TV Series
Two years after the Red Hole incident — people were still in confusion and disarray. — from introRather than focusing on Igarashi Ganta and Shiro, this OAD reflects solely on Senji Kiyomasa — prior to his involvement with the undertaker.
TV Series
As Goku investigates the destruction of the Southern Galaxy, Vegeta is taken to be King of the New Planet Vegeta, and to destroy the Legendary Super Saiyan, Brolly.