Genre Sci-Fi
This gag comedy series focused on the adventures of a bizarre superhero powered by special cooking and fights against various aliens and other enemies threatening the planet Earth.
TV Series
One Punch Man 2nd Season's commemorative recap special.
The power of beginnings, the energy of the core stone; one may find it good, one may find it evil. During a normal investigation, Yue Juntian finds himself drawn into the battle between the 'beginnings' of Yun City; Jiang Xin arrives in Yun City to stop Li Zunyuan's plan to take over. The two influence each other - one solves the mystery of their birth, the other redeems themselves. Together, they oppose Li Zunyuan.
A future where the continuity of history has broken off, a world of enormous ruins that continues endlessly. Oceans and continents have vanished, existing only within the archives brought up from the remains. Ura works in the Archive Excavation Department, which restores and analyzes the data left behind. One day, he finds a disturbing visual record...