Genre Sci-Fi
The story is set in the future on the planet named Amoi which is controlled by a supercomputer named Jupiter. Among the mostly male human population, the light-haired elite class is allowed to temporarily keep the dark-haired "mongrels" as pets. One elite member, Iason, encounters a mongrel named Riki in the slums and decides to take him in. However, Iason keeps Riki longer than it is socially approved, and rumors abound about their possible relationship.
A runaway vehicle driven by Izumi Yasaka, en route to the Public Safety Bureau building, is reported shortly before it crashes into the building. Izumi is a counselor who recently ran away while working at a latent criminal isolation and rehabilitation facility known as Sanctuary. Before Inspectors Mika Shimotsuki and Akane Tsunemori get to interrogate the suspect, a sudden request is issued from the facility to promptly bring Izumi back. Interpreted as a direct order from the Chief and the board at Sanctuary, the Inspectors obey, but insist that Izumi be escorted back personally. Tsunemori intends to investigate further with the rest of the team at the Bureau. Now Inspector Shimotsuki has finally been given the opportunity she had been waiting for—to be the primary investigator on an important case. This case follows Shimotsuki and her team of Enforcers as they uncover the secrets of Sanctuary.
Three weeks after the incident that left Captain Napolipolita's ship balancing on top of Graviton City, A-Ko and the gang go on summer vacation. While A-Ko ponders losing some weight and B-Ko devises another plan to defeat her redheaded rival to win C-Ko, Napolipolita and Spy-D experience severe homesickness - begging for a way to return to their home planet. Meanwhile, Hikari Daitokuji - B-Ko's father and the CEO of the Daitokuji Financial Group - arms the local military with new mecha to attack Napolipolita's ship and obtain its advanced technology.
A story of the bonds between those who fight, in a world pushed to its limits. On one of the countless parallel worlds that exist throughout spacetime, humanity has fought a decades long war against the BETA, hostile extraterrestrial invaders, using humanoid fighting machines called Tactical Surface Fighters. This is a story of how humanity lives and dies while on the brink of extinction...
Fall 2022 Anime