Genre Sci-Fi
A cyborg warrior from an ancient Antarctic kingdom awakes 30000 years later from an accidental hibernation to find the Earth changed and an old alien enemy on the verge of invasion. It's up to Guyslugger to use his ancient technology to defeat the aliens.
TV Series
At the end of the 21st century, the discovery of a new energy source called "DG energy" (short for "divine grace energy") has revolutionized Earth's economy and allowed humanity to colonize space. However, when the initial expedition reaches Pluto, they are attacked by a mysterious, giant life-form known as "Nergal." The Earth Alliance Army fights back by creating an "AG Unit" using ancient robot weapons known as the "G's Frame" which were excavated from archaeological sites all around the world. Girls with special qualities known as "Ancient Girls" can pilot these robots against the Nergal. However, the first AG Unit suffers heavy casualties in the Jupiter Trojan campaign, and the pilot of Unit 04, Minamiya Reiu, goes missing-in-action... Years later, Minamiya Reika, the younger sister of Reiu, enlists with the AG Unit to search for her sister and to protect the Earth from the Nergal. A story of friendship, ancient robot weapons, and battles to the death with the Nergal ensues.
The series began in the middle of a game of hide and seek, as a young boy named Justin Casey (Gen) finishes counting and begins searching for his friends Angela (usually called "Angie") and Corkey Roberts (Kanna and Tsukubo Natsuyama). As he searched for the brother and sister in the wooded area, a storm occurred all of a sudden. Justin managed to sneak up on the two before the rain started pouring, forcing them to run for cover. They would eventually find a house in the wooded area, previously unseen according to Justin. At first glance it appeared nobody was home after entering the house, until they discovered a robot named Solar Ion Robot (Kadenchin), or the acronym SIR. They would soon meet the owner of the house, Professor Humphrey Bumble (Dr. Tokio Taimu), who introduced the children to his greatest creation, a time machine. Professor Bumble's attempt at recreating Benjamin Franklin's famous lightning experiment with the use of a kite flying outside the house to get the machine working only led up to SIR's temporary change in personality before sending the entire house on course for the past. The children never realized how long the journey back home would be due to Professor Bumble's misguidance and errors in time travel, but in the meantime they witnessed and participated (with little or no consequences) in numerous events in the Bible's New Testament, from John the Baptist's birth to the rise of the Apostle Paul."
TV Series
Dr. Jurgen of DC developed a global defense system to combat potential alien threats. This system has two elements. First is the VTX-001 Vartoul unmanned anti alien PT. Governing these drones is the ODE worldwide network system. However, this system has a noteworthy secret. A living human is needed to control the ODE core. Furthermore, the ODE core needs human organs to support itself. At the present day, the drone have gone on a mass abduction spree. Kyosuke and co has been sent in to take care of the problem.