Genre Shounen
Anime adaptation of the spin-off manga Meitantei Conan: Hannin no Hanzawa-san that stars the black-silhouetted "criminal" that appears in Detective Conan representing the mystery culprits.
Fall 2022 Anime
Set during the Inter High Championships, Shohoku take on Tsukubu, one of this year's dark horses. It's a clash of acquaintances as Anzai will face his former student which is now the coach of Tsukubu, while Akagi & Kogure meet Godai their former classmate and Tsukubu's captain. Finally Sakuragi is irked by the presence of Nango, Tsukubu's center, who vies for Haruko's attention.
TV version of the King of Prism -Shiny Seven Stars- movies.
TV Series
Syaoran, Sakura, Kurogane, Fai and Mokona's journey through to different world's continue as they search for Sakura's feathers. The fated journey slowly becomes more complicated for our travelers, as they find themselves diving deeper into more dangerous worlds. Takes place immediately after the first season. Based on the manga by CLAMP.
TV Series