Genre Shounen
Shunichi Domoto is a talented, sportive 5th grade boy who is used to help sport teams in his school. He enters a Yoyo duel against a bully boy called Benkei to help his friend, Beso, to get back his Yoyo which was stolen by the bully. He beat him, but after that, he meets the exceptionally gifted Yoyoer, Seito Hojoin, who beat him while he ridiculed the Yoyo game. So, Shunichi enters Japan's Yoyo championship to get his revenge from his loss with Seito. Throughout this Championship, he learns new Yoyoing Skills and meets powerful rivals.
TV Series
OVA bundled with the 15th and 16th volume of the manga. 15th volume DVD will feature the sin of greed as the central character. 16th volume DVD will feature side stories of the main characters in omnibus format. Episode 3 is Nanatsu no Taizai: Eiyuu-tachi wa Hashagu
Life sucks for Hibiki. Intergalactic society has broken into civil war between males and females; he's stuck on the assembly line for war mecha, relentlessly teased by his co-workers and unable to pursue his dreams of building his own mecha one day. He finally decides he's had enough though, and attempts to break in and steal a mech for his own purposes; this turns out to be a bad idea, thrusting him into the middle of a fever-pitch space battle that brings him face to face with the enemy and launches him into an adventure that will change his mundane life forever.
TV Series