Genre Slice of Life
Since reincarnating into a new world, Ryouma Takebayashi has used his god-given graces to tame countless slimes and employ them to improve the lives of everyone around him. With the astonishing success of his laundry shop, Bamboo Forest, he is finally ready to take on new frontiers and open a branch in the neighboring city of Lenaf. Abiding by his promise with his dearest friend, Eliaria Jamil, Ryouma makes every day count, whether learning new techniques, forming connections, or even discovering more species of slime.
Winter 2023 Anime
Second-year high school student Yatora Yaguchi is a delinquent with excellent grades, but is unmotivated to find his true calling in life. Yatora spends his days working hard to maintain his academic standing while hanging out with his equally unambitious friends. However, beneath his carefree demeanor, Yatora does not enjoy either activity and wishes he could find something more fulfilling. While mulling over his predicament, Yatora finds himself staring at a vibrant landscape of Shibuya. Unable to express how he feels about the unusually breathtaking sight, he picks up a paintbrush, hoping his thoughts will be conveyed on canvas. After receiving praise for his work, the joy he feels sends him on a journey to enter the extremely competitive Tokyo University of the Arts—a school that only accepts one in every 200 applicants. Facing talented peers, a lack of understanding of the fine arts, and struggles to obtain his parents’ approval, Yatora is confronted by much adversity. In the hopes of securing one of the five prestigious spots in his program of choice, Yatora must show that his inexperience does not define him.
Fall 2021 Anime
Lucius Modestus, an ancient Roman architect, finds himself job-hunting due to having trouble coming up with new ideas. As his demeanor and personality become dismal, his friends try taking him to a bathhouse for him to relax. Unable to unwind in the bustling and crowded bath, Lucius dips his head in the water. Down there, he finds a secret tunnel that transports him to a modern-day Japanese bathhouse, providing him the inspiration he needed to make a new creation. Loaded with what seems to be knowledge way ahead of his time, Lucius does his best to try and recreate his findings, usually inferior in quality due to his circumstances. However, the sheer ingenuity may be just enough to gain the attention of the citizens and regain his reputation as an architect.
The true end arc of Ore no Imouto. These four episodes branch out after the 11th episode of the main TV series and present an alternative version to the end of the TV series. These episodes contrast with the good end arc of the TV series, which was an original ending written for the anime, and instead closely follows the original story from the light novels.