Genre Sports
The anime will tell the story of high school students as they compete in groups in a unique form of figure skating called "Skate-Leading."
Winter 2021 Anime
Tonbo Ooi, the protagonist, lost both of her parents in a car accident when she was young and was raised by her grandfather, Gonji Ooi, a fisherman on the island of Kagoshima in the Tokara Islands. Tonbo learns to play golf while using her father's inherited No. 3 iron on the island's three golf courses, which were built by the islanders themselves. The story begins with Tonbo meeting Ichika Igarashi, a former professional golfer who has come to Kagoshima in search of work.
Spring 2024 Anime
The new anime will tell an original story, featuring a match between the Hyoutei Academy Secondary Department led by Keigo Atobe and Rikkai University-Affiliated Middle School led by Seiichi Yukimura. The story was previously not depicted in the manga.