Genre Super Power

Sousei no Aquarion OVA
Sousei no Aquarion OVA

In a distant future, humanity once again is facing the threat of the “Shadow Angels”. Mystical creatures who returned after 12.000 years of absence. They attack human cities and kidnap their inhabitants in order to drain their “prana” (vital energy). To fight against them, youngsters with special powers from arround the world were gathered and trained to pilot the “vector machines”, three ancient ships that together form mankind’s ultimate weapon, “Aquarion”. The story revolves mainly arround Apollo, a teenager rumored as the reencarnation of Apolonius, a fallen angel who fought against his own kind to protect mankind. Few believe it could be true, but the fact is that dispite his untamed and reckless nature, he proved to be an invaluable asset in the battle against the Shadow Angels.


Street Fighter Alpha: The Animation
Street Fighter Alpha: The Animation

A black cloud hangs over Ken and Ryuu's reunion. Brought together by the mysterious death of their master, the two warriors must overcome a challenge unlike any they've faced before.Increasingly disturbed by the dark energies building within him, Ryuu is unexpectedly confronted with the appearance of Shun - a boy claiming to be the long-lost brother he never knew. Soon, signs of their common lineage are revealed as Shun enters a martial arts competition and manifests the same fearsome Dark Hadou. But before Ryuu has the chance to consider whether Shun's timely appearance might be more than coincidental, agents of the insidious Shadowlaw organization kidnap the boy.To recover the child, Ryuu must undertake the ultimate journey of self-discovery and learn to control the power threatening to consume him. But with this confidence waning, will he have what it takes to confront Akuma - the vicious lord of the Dark Hadou himself?Find out as allies old and new join forces against a sinister new threat in the pulse-pounding sequel to the phenomenally popular Street Fighter II series.


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Lagann-Hen
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Lagann-Hen

In the distant future, people build their homes and raise domestic animals in subterranean caverns called pits. A boy named Simon happens to find a small, shiny drill that unlocks not only a more promising, but also a quite dangerous future for humankind. Together with the reckless, charismatic leader Kamina and the trigger-happy Youko, they battle against ever more powerful gigantic robots — the Gunmen — on the planet's surface. The Spiral King's Four Supreme Generals are merciless in their quest to wipe mankind from the surface of the planet though. One such fierce battle costs Kamina's life. Simon is crushed by this, but saving Nia Teppelin, a discarded daughter of the Spiral King, gives Simon hope again...After destroying the Four Supreme Generals, Simon and his many human followers confront Lordgenome, the Spiral King, and defeat him. The parting words of the 1000-year-old Lordgenome, who calls himself the guardian of mankind, have an ominous ring to them though, for he warns the humans about leaving the planet for space where far greater danger awaits. Never-the-less mankind thrives in the following years, rebuilding civilization on the planet's surface. A time of prosperity. The warning to avoid conquering space has been forgotten...


Inazuma Eleven: Saikyou Gundan Ogre Shuurai
Inazuma Eleven: Saikyou Gundan Ogre Shuurai

An organization in the future sends the specially trained Team Ogre to defeat Endou Mamoru and his team, to prevent him from influencing the world with his soccer.


Tokyo ESP
Tokyo ESP

Summer 2014 Anime

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