Genre Supernatural
Fate/strange Fake centers around an imperfect copy of a Grail War based on the Third Holy Grail War in Fuyuki. Following the conclusion of the third Grail War, a US-based organization with magi distinct from the London-based Mage Association, used data from Fuyuki's Grail War to plan their own ritual. Seventy years later, they used the city of Snowfield as the Sacred Land for their own Grail War. However, they were unable to successfully replicate every aspect of the ritual, resulting in it acting only as an imitation that has lost the Saber class and allowed for the summoning of strange Servants due to the blurring of the definition of a "hero." Rohngall and his pupil, Faldeus, have been dispatched by the Mage's Association to investigate the city and the state of the war. Faldeus, a US organization spy, has Rohngall sniped upon his arrival, despite knowing that Rohngall is a puppet. He declares that their Holy Grail War has been in development and is real, causing a commotion at the Clock Tower, and that he wishes to "advertise" the project to the Association.
Magano, a parallel realm filled with monsters known as "Kegare," is a place where exorcists deal with all impurities. Benio Adashino is a prodigy exorcist who is recognized for her strength and is summoned to Tokyo by the Exorcist Union. On her way, she plummets into the arms of Rokuro Enmadou, a young exorcist with a troubled past. But the impurities of Magano do not rest. When these two exorcists witness a couple of children stolen by a Kegare, Benio rushes to save them, dragging Rokuro along with her into Magano. Engaged in a fight she is on the verge of being defeated in, Benio is saved by Rokuro, revealing himself capable of being her rival in talent. Sousei no Onmyouji tells the story of two talented exorcists who are destined to become the "Twin Star Exorcists" and the prophesised parents of the Miko—the reincarnation of Abe no Seimei—who will cleanse the world of all impurities.
Spring 2016 Anime