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The series revolves around a playful young child named Shizuku-Chan. He, alongside his schoolmates, friends, and family lives a life of dangerous adventures in the Shizuku Forest.
TV Series
In the hollow Mysterious Planet, seven kingdoms co-exist, all of them lit by the Sun’s Blessing from the Kingdom of the Sun, in the middle of the planet. The light of the core sun is necessary for the continued existence of all the kingdoms. Yet, something is causing the Sun’s Blessing to weaken. If something isn’t done, it will be the end of life in the Mysterious Planet. Fortunately, the twin princesses of the Sun Kingdom, Fine and Rain, have been endowed with the magic of the Prominence, and are looking for a way to fix things.
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Plot Summary:Hikari Netto and his NetNavi and best friend, Rockman, are back in an all new series. This time, armed with the Synchro Chip which allows them to fuse in the real world, they are ready and willing to protect the peace from the evils of the Dark Loids. Netto’s father has hit a technology break-through: Cross Fusion, allowing a human and Net Navi to merge as one being within contained virtual fields called Dimensional Areas. However, an unknown crime syndicate has been mimicking the technology in order to spread dark energy throughout Japan via Dark Chips, corrupting a Net Navi’s soul. Netto and Rockman join the Net Saviors, authorities against net crime, and use the force of Cross Fusion to battle in the real world for the first time
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This is the story of Mito Mitsukuni in mecha style. Prince of the Edon Star, Edward Mito begins a trip to the galaxy with his servant Baron Kalkus, Duke Skead and the ninja girl Shinobu. Under the false identity of Bocchan, Suke and Kaku they help the oppressed people and fight with the super robot Daioja.
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