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Beast Wars Neo was a television series that aired in Japan in 1999, in support of the toyline of the same name. It directly follows Beast Wars II. The show follows the adventures of a crew of Maximals, commanded by Big Convoy, as they compete with Magmatron's evil Predacons to collect the Angolmois energy capsules, scattered at the end of Beast Wars II.
TV Series
The setting is a parallel world to Fate/stay night where the Greater Grail mysteriously disappeared from Fuyuki after the Third Holy Grail War. After many years of silence, around the same time as the Fifth Holy Grail War would have happened, the Yggdmillennia, a family of magi, openly declares their secession from the Mage's Association, and that they are in possession of the Grail. The Association dispatches fifty magi to retrieve it, and all but one are instantly slaughtered by a mysterious Servant. The one remaining manages to activate the reserve system of the Greater Grail, allowing for the summoning of fourteen Servants in total. In the city of Trifas, two factions will fight for the control of the sacred relic, each of them possessing their own team of seven Servants : the Black Faction whose members are part of Yggdmillennia, protecting the Grail, and the Red Faction whose members were sent by the Mage's Association, trying to take the Grail back. For an event of this scale, the Grail itself summons its own Servant, the holy Ruler, to oversee the conflict.
Summer 2017 Anime
Dr. Song Jihyun is considered a prodigy among Korean surgeons, known for her skill in saving patients no matter their condition. In her past life as Elise de Clorance, the ill-mannered wife of the emperor, her jealousy and greed had led to the loss of her loved ones and—ultimately—her death. For that reason, she vowed to now save lives instead of destroying them. After a fatal plane crash, Elise finds herself once again in her former body. With her previous knowledge of modern medicine and now a chance at mending her mistakes, she is determined to contribute to the empire as a medic in this life. But will Elise be able to avoid her engagement to Prince Linden de Romanoff, the man she had loved to the point of her own demise?
Winter 2024 Anime