Status Ongoing
In the future, with the increasing number of natural disasters and disasters from the universe, a mysterious organization called "Shanhai Jihui" appeared, intending to destroy and replace contemporary human beings. The protagonist, Lei Qi, joins the "Titanium" exoskeleton armored combat team, and has a multi-faceted confrontation with this mysterious technological organization. Through step-by-step decryption, he discovered that the human dream is actually a window to fully access the entire universe, so he revolved around the reality and the quadrant. The exploration of the world and the confrontation between civilizations of different ages began...
This work tells the legendary life of Megumi Sunahara, a soldier of the Japanese People’s Liberation Army, and shows the true history of the little-known special group of the Japanese People’s Liberation Army. Sabara Megumi was born in the Kyushu region of Japan in 1933 and came to Northeast China with his parents when he was a child. After Japan's defeat and surrender, he was unable to return to Japan, and lived at a landlord’s house in Liaoning to herd cattle. In 1948, he joined the People’s Liberation Army under the name of “Zhang Rongqing”, where he experienced the battles of Liaoshen and Pingjin and devoted himself to the cause of the proletarian revolution.