Subbed Anime
Rin, an energetic girl who loves to eat, lives in a verdant frontier village. Deep within the royal palace in the bustling capital city, the songstress Finis spends her days in solitude. Both share a special power no other person has. A miraculous power that can heal wounds, create water and stir the wind—the power of song. Guided by destiny, the two young women each face an arduous journey with the power of song. The shadow of war looms over the kingdom, tainting even the miraculous songs with the blood of innocents. Loved ones meet their deaths as silent screams echo through a stone prison. As two destinies intersect, will the final song be one of despair, hope or...? (Source: ANN)
Spring 2018 Anime
Hiroshi was ordered to be the manager of his company's Mexico branch in order to collect the fruit of a new type of cactus that has the sweetest nectar. So, Nohara family packs up and moves to Mexico to live there. They had to bid farewell to their acquaintances and the citizens of Kasukabe with tears. Shinnosuke heard that Mexican young girls are stylish and beautiful and became eager for this journey. On arriving at Mardequellyovaca city in Mexico, a new life full of anxiety, surrounded by unique neighbors awaits them. But Shinnosuke and Nohara family had no idea that flesh-eating killer cactuses are going to attack. To save the town, the Nohara family and their neighbors work together to fight against "Killer Cactus".
Tughril Mahmut is a young pasha serving on the Divan of the Türkiye Stratocracy. The clouds of war are gathering over his country due to the threat of an aggressive Empire. With the Divan split between warmongers and the pacifists, Mahmut begins his quest to keep the peace at any cost. As he finds himself deeper and deeper in the politics of the ancient world, new enemies and allies surface. Who will prevail? What will Mahmut do if war proves to be inevitable?
Summer 2017 Anime