Subbed Anime
This was the first episode of Mushi Pro Land, a unique series of 60-minute animated programs. It was also Japan's first 60-minute animated TV program. However, the series never materialized and only this episode was actually aired. The story follows Stevenson's "Treasure Island," featuring characters in the form of animals. For example, the pirate Silver is illustrated as a wolf, where the main character Jim is changed into a rabbit. This has, therefore, nothing to do with the "New Treasure Island," Tezuka's masterpiece Manga.
An original video anime, released on Blu-ray in a combined Hybrid Disc that also hold an Eureka Seven AO game for the PlayStation 3. The OVA is set between episodes eight and nine of the series.
The master is driving the crane west, what should I do if the enemy comes to the door? ! Awaken the apprenticeship rebate system, the more you give to your apprentice, the more you get back to your master! Hahaha, good disciples, come quickly, as a teacher, you never hide your
Rudger is Amanda Shuffleup's imaginary friend. Nobody else can see Rudger—until the evil Mr. Bunting arrives at Amanda's door. Mr. Bunting hunts imaginaries. Rumor has it that he even eats them. And now he's found Rudger. Soon Rudger is alone, and running for his imaginary life. He needs to find Amanda before Mr. Bunting catches him—and before Amanda forgets him and he fades away to nothing. But how can an unreal boy stand alone in the real world?