Subbed Anime
On his high school graduation day, Itsuki's cousin, Mahiru, tells him that she's pregnant. Just then, a gate of light emerges and transports the two into the world of Granvania. In this land, "Impurities" have been causing a disturbance to the Stars, ultimately plunging Granvania into chaos and disorder. And Itsuki, now revealed to be one who is fated to meet with the "Star Maidens", is seen as Granvania's last hope and was thus given the task to produce "Star Children" and combat the "impurities". And unless the task is complete, Itsuki may never be able to return home.
Fall 2018 Anime
Saiki Kusuo has a wide array of superpowers at his command, including telepathy and telekinesis. This might sound awesome, but, in Kusuo's experience, superpowers are not all they're cracked up to be. He tries to live a normal life, despite his annoying abilities.
Summer 2016 Anime
Murasaki Wakako, who is 26 years old, loves going out alone to enjoy eating and drinking, especially when something unpleasant happens at work. This manga follows Wakako through many solitary outings, where she enjoys different combinations of food and drink!
Summer 2015 Anime
The business elite—Yi Ning traveled to the Wu Dynasty in an alternate history, and became a son-in-law with a low status—surnamed Ning, named Yi, and a courtesy name Liheng. Because Yi Ning dreamed of martial arts since childhood, he simply hid his already familiar business skills in the second life, and aspired to become a generation of heroes. Unexpectedly, the morals of the world are not as simple as he thought. After becoming Ning Yi, not only was he involved in important court cases, but the Su family that he had joined was also threatened by powerful enemies...