Subbed Anime
Ghost Messengers are super-power agents from the underground world called the World of Death. The World of Death is a digitalized world with cutting-edge technologies that control and manage the life and death of all living things based on its elaborate systems. Our Ghost Messenger hero, Kang-lim, has been dispatched to the human world to capture the remaining ghosts who are refusing to go to the World of Death although it is their time. An accident occurs during his mission and Kang-lim gets captured in his own mobile phone. Little Kang-lim, a human boy who has extraordinary spiritual powers, finds the mobile phone and takes GhostMessenger Kang-lim out from the mobile phone. And the adventure begins.
On Filiel's 15th birthday, she received her mother's necklace as a memento from her obstinate astronomer father. Her common and tedious life was turned into a life of conspiracies. With her new life, many adventures await.
TV Series
Anime about the funny lives of the Greek gods up on Mount Olympus. Polon is the naughty daughter of Apollo. With her little cherub friend Eros, she interferes in various comical ways as she tries to show that she is fit to be a goddess. Her activities often misfire, getting her in trouble with some deity or other and causing chaos for gods and humans. Feeling neglected by her godly parent, she often assists him in his woman-chasing in the hopes of getting a new mommy.
TV Series
Lupin's on the trail of a decades-lost treasure—the collected booty of World-War-II-era thief Harimao—worth billions of dollars. But as he plans to con retired British spy Sir Archer into giving up the location of the stash, Archer himself gets into the hunt. Lupin now has to team up with his former mark to outwit a more sinister opponent who wants the treasure for himself. And of course, Zenigata's on the scent and gunning for the gang once again.