Type Special
"The Masked Cypher Descends!" Far away on a remote island, Gran steps into the ring for an exhibition match of ritual proportion. Once a year, top fighters from around the island must gather together for a duel to appease the gods, and anything less than victory could spell grave disaster for the locals.After grinding through some grueling training to master the art of wrestling, Gran enters his match as the mysterious masked fighter, the Masked Cypher. "A Tale of St. Albion Girls' Academy" Djeeta is just an ordinary student at St. Albion Girls' Academy, who one day, while spending some time in the animal shed, finds herself smitten with her upper classman. That upperclassman's name is Katalina, who is renowned for both her wit and beauty. Even as Djeeta shrinks back from Katalina's majesty, the two gradually grow closer. Unbeknownst to them, however, not everyone is excited for their newfound affection.
Episode 2.5 of the series, will expand on the ending of episode 2. Included in the 1st volume of the Blu-ray/DVD releases.
Straw Hat Theater is made up of five shorts that aired alongside One Piece episodes 279 through 283 in October 2006. They are based on Oda Eiichiro's side comics that were drawn when he was given three sheets of blank paper by his editor and told to draw anything. The first short is about Chopper Man infiltrating the lair of the evil Dr. Usodabada. The second short is a news report on what food was like for the Straw Hats before Sanji joined the crew. The third short investigates the hypothetical situation of "if the Straw Hat Pirates were Obahan, who would be the strongest?" The fourth short is about the bosses of the Luffione, Zorocia, and Sanjino families fighting for control. In the fifth short, all of the Straw Hats are carefree monsters.