Type Spring 2014 Anime
No synopsis has been added for this series yet.
Spring 2014 Anime
Based on the sports manga series written and illustrated by Chiba Tetsuya about sumo wrestling. The story follows Sakaguchi Matsutarou, a giant roughneck man with strength far beyond ordinary people. He never uttered words like work hard, strive, and dream like the typical shounen manga protagonist. However, he is stronger than anyone and peerless in sumo wrestling. His greatest weakness is his own carefree personality. He grows into a full-fledged sumo wrestler.
Spring 2014 Anime
Cocoa arrives at the cafe Rabbit House one day, excited for rabbits. She actually all but lives in that cafe. She meets lots of different girls there, including a tiny and cool girl named Chino, a tough and soldier-esque girl named Lize, a spacey and quintessentially Japanese girl named Chiyo, and the ordinary but dignified Sharo.
Spring 2014 Anime