Type Winter 2016 Anime
Chiharu Kashima is the captain of the Wizard Bureau's Crisis Countermeasures Division. One day, he meets a friendly man named Toyohi Utsumi at the bar he frequents. Soon after the meeting, Utsumi confesses, "I've fallen in love with Kashima-san." Kashima is taken aback, but the two soon begin to spend more time together.
Winter 2016 Anime
Departures are moments that evoke both hope and melancholy. Tabi Machi Late Show examines how these ambivalent emotions continue to persist long beyond that singular moment of parting. Azuma reminisces about her mentor as she sees off her own student; Kumeno recalls her short, turbulent friendship with Koizumi; Yukari meets an old friend during the Lantern Festival; and Sakurada fondly remembers the numerous students she has met during her teaching career. Structured around a theme of goodbyes and journeys, Tabi Machi Late Show is composed of four intimate, slice-of-life vignettes that wistfully examine the lasting impressions people leave on one another.
Winter 2016 Anime
No synopsis information has been added to this title.
Winter 2016 Anime
The comedy shorts follow four girls who are members of the Luck Logic Club, whose activity is playing the Luck & Logic card game. Watashitachi, Luck Logic-bu! will air approximately one minute before each episode of the main series.
Winter 2016 Anime