Genre Comedy
Takamine Kiyomaro, a depressed don’t-care-about-the-world guy, was suddenly given a little demon named Gash Bell to take care of. Little does he know that Gash is embroiled into an intense fight to see who is the ruler of the demon world. All of the demons have to pick a master on Earth and duke it out with other demons until one survives. Needless to say, Kiyomaro becomes Gash’s master, and through their many battles, Kiyomaro learns the importance of friendship and courage.
TV Series
The DBZ TV series is receiving an extensive "refresh" for Japanese television airing on the 20th anniversary of DBZ. While based on the original animation production, it is being updated with new technology, including cropping the frames for formatting on an HD 16:9 display. The original Japanese cast is re-grouping to re-voice the show (where available, and unfortunately not including those that have passed on, such as Suzuoki Hirotaka [Tenshinhan]). Sound effects are being updated, and the OPs and EDs are being completely redone. New content includes a brief look at the last moments of Bardock and Planet Vegeta, an overview of young Goku's growing up years (Dragonball, the pre-Z period) up until his triumph over Piccolo at the Tenkaichi-Budokai, and the all-too-brief and yet still somewhat triumphant return of Farmer with a Shotgun!
TV Series
Hatate Sota is a high school boy, who has an ability to visualize "flags" for future events such as "death flag," "friendship flag," and "romance flag." Despite the flag-viewing ability, he avoids making friends with others due to a trauma he experienced in a ship submergence accident. Four beautiful girls get interested in his strange way of living, and they begin to live with him at the school dorm by force.
Spring 2014 Anime
Team Avatar travels to the Southern Water Tribe, as well as being visited by many spirits and explores the origin of the Avatar line.
TV Series