Genre Comedy
Inokuma Yawara is just another young high school girl. Well, not quite – for Yawara is being raised by her grandfather, 7th dan Judo master Inokuma Jigorou, to be Japan’s great hope for the women’s Judo competition at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. All the same, Yawara just wants to live a normal life…
TV Series
Pokemon: Best wishes is a serier between couples Pokemon of Mijumaru and Pokabu, Sutaaja along with Zekrom. Iris and Reimsu have a Kibano and are later combine with Ash and Pikachu. Victini appears later in this. And What happens then? Pokemon: Best wishes is a serier between couples Pokemon of Mijumaru and Pokabu, Sutaaja along with Zekrom. Iris and Reimsu have a Kibano and are later combine with Ash and Pikachu. Victini appears later in this. And What happens then?
TV Series
Keita is living any junior high school boy's dream. He has two older twin sisters, who compete for his romantic love in many ecchi ways, like good morning tongue kisses and abundant panty flashing. Their parents openly support the sisters' feelings and advances, because they are step-siblings and not related by blood. In fact they even have a bet going as to which sister Keita will choose. And since the sisters and Keita attend the same high school, there are bound to be numerous misunderstandings.
TV Series
The overly active daily life of 765Pro's idols, The Idolmasters, becomes even more frantic when the overly cute beings called Puchidolls — somewhat resembling their idols in looks and in character — show up one by one at the studio.
TV Series