Genre Sports
This is a story about growth, friendship and passion. Through the continuous improvement of racing skills, the in-depth understanding of the concept of racing, the understanding of the meaning of life and the friendship of friends, the originally ambitious racer Yeji Dong has gradually grown into the most reliable partner, and will gradually grow into the most powerful racer...
Two Car follows high schoolers Yuri Miyata and Megumi Meguro as they battle six other rival pairs in the sport of motorcycle sidecar racing.
Fall 2017 Anime
Demetrios, a timid and kind vase painter in Ancient Greece who dislikes sports and competitions, is one day forced to come up with a game to compete with the mayor of the neighboring town in order to save his village. While hiding inside a large vase outside his workshop, lightning strikes the vase Demetrios is in, transferring him to Tokyo, Japan, during the 1964 Summer Olympics.
Spring 2020 Anime